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  • "Pear of Anguish" Witchcraft Torture

    Beautiful Pear of anguish 3 leaves hand made of steel with hand engraving and gold paint. Used for torture against women accused of witchcraft. It was an extremely painful device...
  • 1750 - EXORCISM MANUAL Rituale Romanum

    1750 - EXORCISM MANUAL Rituale Romanum

    Manuale Selectissimarum Benedictionum Conjurationum, Exorcismorum..... 1750, 1-638, 6 5/8 by 4 1/8 inches. Binding rubbed especially on the corners and spine leather coming up but boards still firmly attached. Clasps still work!!   ...
  • 1833 - Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy Inferno Purgatory Paradise, Ichabod Wright

    1833 - Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy Inferno Purgatory Paradise, Ichabod Wright

    Ichabod Wright
    1833 DANTE Alighieri Divine Comedy Inferno Purgatory Paradise Ichabod Wright “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” ― Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy   Dantes “Divine Comedy” is one of...
  • 1835 Poetical Works of John Milton 6 Volumes

    1835 Poetical Works of John Milton 6 Volumes

    Sir Egerton Brydges
    Full blue calf, elaborately tooled in gilt on spines, gilt turn ins. A near fine set. Illustrated.
  • 1866 - The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Aligheri

    1866 - The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Aligheri

    Dante Alighieri
    This rare 1866 edition of Dante Alighieri's "The Vision of Dante" is a must-have for any collector of literature. The binding, published by Bell and Daldy in London, is an...
  • 20

    20" Talismanic Monastery Trumpet

    Traditional Tibet Tibetan Monastery Copper Horn Trumpet. 20" in length. In the fall of 1964, an associate gained access to the Tibetan region Nyingchi. On the journey, 7 items were...
  • Ancient Greek or Roman Cone Pottery Amphora

    Ancient Greek or Roman Cone Pottery Amphora

    Very Rare. Highly collectible Greek or Roman cone pottery amphora. Includes tripod metal stand to display. Finely preserved. Unfortunately, we do not have test documentation available for the item which...
  • c1700 Handwritten Manuscript BIBLE Prophecy Angels Demons Superstition Catholic

    c1700 Handwritten Manuscript BIBLE Prophecy Angels Demons Superstition Catholic

    A beautiful, unresearched Biblical and theological commentary written around 1700. Finding such fine penmanship of remarkable legibility for such a treatise during this period is a true rarity. The topics...
  • Cruciana - The Cross of Christ

    Cruciana - The Cross of Christ

    John Holland
    Liverpool: D. Marples and Co., and Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1835. First edition in a full vellum binding with all edges gilt. .Subtitled: "Illustrations of the Most Striking Aspects under...
  • December Giveaway Winner! 1559 - Index Librorum Prohibitorum

    December Giveaway Winner! 1559 - Index Librorum Prohibitorum

    Paul IV
    Price included is for shipping fees only. Coupon code applied. ---- The Index Librorum Prohibitorum (English: Index of Forbidden Books) was a changing list of publications deemed heretical or contrary to morality by the Sacred...
  • Faust - 2 Volume Set

    Faust - 2 Volume Set

    FAUST 1875; J. Goeth, Bayard Taylor; Boston, James R. Osgood; Original Leather; Prelims, 463/356 Pages; w4.8"xh7"; Rare! ATTRIBUTES: Two Beautiful/Original marble cover designs with leather binding/corners, pretty gold floral bindings with green/black labels, marble...
  • Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels, Thomas Ingoldsby: 2 Volume Set

    Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels, Thomas Ingoldsby: 2 Volume Set

    Richard Harris Barham
    A later edition of R. H. Barham's popular collection of myths and legends, complete in two volumes in smart uniform crushed morocco bindings. Illustrated,Leather Binding,Rebound Overall Condition: Very Good Indeed  ...
  • Library of Entertaining Knowledge 2 Vol Set

    Library of Entertaining Knowledge 2 Vol Set

    Arthur Thomas Malkin
    The Library of Entertaining Knowledge HISTORICAL PARALLELS   Volume l  AUTHOR: Arthur Thomas Malkin EDITION: 1835 PUBLISHER: Charles Knight complemented by: Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge PRINTED BY: Wiliam Clowes London DESCRIPTION: 8 vo bound...
  • Real Human Skull Tibetan Necromancer Mask

    Real Human Skull Tibetan Necromancer Mask

    This is an incredibly rare Tibetan Necromancer Kapala mask. This stunning piece of headwear is carved out of a human skull and skull fragments for ritual purposes.    Traditionally, these...
  • Scripture History with The Lives of the Most Celebrated Apostles for the Improvement of Youth Over 200 Illustrations

    Scripture History with The Lives of the Most Celebrated Apostles for the Improvement of Youth Over 200 Illustrations

    E Miler
    1822 - Scripture History with The Lives of the Most Celebrated Apostles for the Improvement of Youth Over 200 Illustrations - E Miller A New Edition, Volume 1 London Printed...
  • Secret Compartment Book Box Set Leather Bound (Rare Swivel Open)

    Secret Compartment Book Box Set Leather Bound (Rare Swivel Open)

    Books originally published 1766, Paris by Salliant. Set x 2 mid-18th century leather books, joined long ago, each with a secret compartment.  The top book has the compartment after the first group...
  • Secret Jewelry Safe Bound in Antiquarian Book

    Secret Jewelry Safe Bound in Antiquarian Book

    Beautiful late 19th century antique rare book safe. Made by hand with full marbled calf, decoratively gilt-stamped with a starlike floral design on spine compartments with four raised bands. Measures...
  • The Book of Mormon

    The Book of Mormon

    1920 edition. Spine is tight. Book is in very good condition
  • The English Version of the Polyglot Bible

    The English Version of the Polyglot Bible

    The English Version of the Polyglot Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments with a Copious and Original Selection of References to Parallel and Illustrative Passages. London: Samuel Bagster and...