Vivifica Rare Books offers international shipping with free global delivery on every item purchased through this website over $300 CAD. Complimentary shipping services will vary at the discretion of our specialists based on the size and value of the items purchased to ensure safe and secure delivery. Default shipping is generally FedEx, with tracking and a signature required upon delivery to release. If you prefer an alternative shipping method, or have questions about a shipment, please contact our Shipping Manager by phone or email prior to purchase to discuss available options.
Our shipping fees will be calculated at checkout to meet the revolving needs of each item by weight, value, and destination.
**Please note that free shipping applies to the transportation costs only - international deliveries may be subject to import duties, taxes, and fees that are beyond our control. Customs procedures may also cause delivery delays which will vary outside of our control.
Each Vivifica order is professionally packaged and personalized to ensure that it reaches you without damage. In the majority of our shipments, items are wrapped in acid-free tissue paper, placed inside a
self-sealing bubble wrap bag, and then cushioned with Styrofoam peanuts or recycled newsprint inside a sturdy box. According to value and discretion, items are accompanied by physical condition reports. If your package arrives in less than satisfactory condition, please take photos on arrival and while opening, contact us immediately.*