Further than our active Want List, we take deep pleasure in helping professionally curate special collections. As rare book curators, our job is to help you access the finest copies available within budget using various tools and resources in our specialists’ tool kit that are not available to the public. It is a collaborative effort of combining our industry connections and skills to your needs.
Our special collections primarily focus on Christianity and the events surrounding it, dating as far back as 1000 BC. From the Old to New Testament, there is much to explore through rare books, manuscripts, maps and archaeological evidence. Our goal is to help you puzzle together the missing pieces within your collection.
Are you interested in beginning a brand-new collection? Our specialists work with private collectors, museums, churches and more on both a complimentary and concierge basis.
Consultation services are often conducted in the shop, by phone, or by email. When appropriate, we can arrange for a specialist to visit and work with you at your collection’s location. We invite you to reach out to our specialists for additional information on these services.