A Guide to Understanding Bindings

A Guide to Understanding Bindings


The binding of a book describes the material that is used to make the upper (front) and lower (back) covers. Books are bound in all manner of materials including various papers, cloths, hides and even metals to increase aesthetic appeal or durability.

Contemporary custom dictates that a book in its original binding is superior to most re-bindings that were accomplished after the fact. The major exception to this rule is when the book has been re-bound by a noted bookbinder with historical significance in which case it is sometimes the binding rather than the book that has collectible status.

However this was not always the case. In the Victorian age most book owners felt that any book worth keeping deserved to be rebound, usually in some form of leather to become part of your personal library. This means books from this era (when book owners were wealthy and privileged), and earlier, have often been re-bound making the original publisher's bindings that much rarer.

Basic Types of Bindings

Original Cloth

Beginning around the 1830s, publishers began binding their books in cloth as an alternative to plain boards. What began as a novelty and a way of advertising and differentiating their books eventually became the norm. The terms 'original cloth', 'publishers cloth', and 'edition cloth' all refer to publications where the original binding of the book was, and continues to be, cloth.

Dust Jackets

Dust jackets or dust wrappers are the paper coverings wrapped around the boards of a book. Dust jackets began to be used regularly in the late 1800s where they were originally designed to be a disposable packaging. The practice of disposing of dust jackets was almost universal until the 1920s when the collection of modern first editions became popular.

Original Boards

The original boards or covers that the publisher first bound the book in. This usually concerns books published from around the 1700s to the 1830s. Boards from this era are often very plain as they were meant to be disposable.

Leather Bindings


Calf or calf hide is the most common form of leather binding. These bindings have a smooth surface with no identifiable grain. The natural color of calf hide is a light brown but can often be treated in various ways:

Treatment Types:

  • Diced: A design of diamonds or squares scored into the leather
  • Marbled: Stained with diluted acid for a swirling effect
  • Mottled: Random designs created with acid solution
  • Paneled: Rectangular space framed by gilt or tooled lines
  • Polished: Leather polished to a reflective finish
  • Reversed: Inner side of the calf skin facing outward


Morocco bindings, appearing in Europe in the early 16th century, are made from goatskin and known for their durability and appearance. Usually dyed in strong colors, these bindings were Islamic in origin.


  • Levant: Elegant style with large grain, highly polished
  • Niger: Flexible leather with subtle grain from West Africa
  • Straight-grain: Artificial parallel grain created through moistening

Special Bindings


These bindings contain small portrait(s) embedded in their covers.


Originally made from de-greased calfskin - nowadays made from lamb, goat or other skins.

Metallic, Jewelled & Other

Special editions bound with gems, metals, exotic skins or other interesting materials.

Courtesy of AbeBooks - Guide to Understanding Bindings
